Coronavirus Part 2 – Pharmacist Ben Fuchs – Moment of Truth

The most notable aspect of the Coronavirus is its ability to spread and chances of contracting it are actually pretty good. While quarantining the infected may be helpful, because of the likelihood of transmission by those who may not know that they are carriers, that is not a real answer to the problem.

But luckily and ironically we all have the solution to the crisis within us, in the form of a miraculous, responsive, intelligent, god given immune system. Strengthening it is the best way to reduce the chances of developing Coronavirus symptoms. As it turns out, much of what we need to do to support immunity, we should be doing anyway.

Supplements, taken daily, can be important immune boosters. While they won’t cure or prevent Coronavirus symptoms by themselves, they can help the body take care of the problem. The short list includes, zinc picolinate, a “must have” at 50mg, same with Selenium chelate 400-600 micrograms and Vitamin A 25,000IU. The B Vitamins, all of them, should be used throughout the day and you want to mix in two or three grams of MSM Sulfur. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin C, at least a couple of grams every day!

On our next video, we’ll talk about some other strategies for boosting the immune system, helping the body deal with the Coronavirus.

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