Interview with Samantha Mottet- recovered Critically Ill COVID-19 patient Treated with Leronlimab

Samantha Mottet was a critically ill COVID-19 patient who was admitted at the ICU in UCLA under the care of Dr. Otto Yang. She discussed her harrowing ordeal with COVID-19 and the incredible management and care the team at UCLA provided to save her life.

Samantha received hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma but when she didn’t respond to those medications her condition deteriorated. Dr. Otto Yang, Infectious Disease Specialist at UCLA tried the experimental medication, leronlimab. Samantha claims that she was administered leronlimab on April 2, 2020 and was extubated and removed off the ventilator on April 5th. She was discharged from UCLA back home on April 10th, 2020.

Disclaimer: Neither Samantha Mottet or I were paid by Cytodyn or any biotech company. These interviews I conduct are my own independent outreach, analysis and discussion. I do not have any financial or business arrangements with Cytodyn or any biotech company. Full disclosure- I do own shares of Cytodyn because I believe in Dr. Bruce Patterson.