Nutrition , Skincare and fitness for Lockdown Brides with Simrun Chopra

A bridal beauty regime is just as important as looking for the right outfit and jewellery. 12 months is a good time for a bride-to-be to chalk out a comprehensive plan that will help her put her best foot forward. A briday beauty regime should be a combination of at-home and non-invasive cosmetic treatments at the hands of an experienced dermatologist
for bride to be time is the key factor. as closer we get to the d-day our options get narrower and aggresive treatments with downtime are not suggested. the keyto glowing skin is to not getting stressed out and knowing the key issues that need to be tackled and make a roadmap well before in time with your deramtlogist. i strongly believe that if theres something in your skin/hair/body that bothers you then you should ADDRESS it first rather than DRESSING it with makeup etc as not all issues can be resolved by makeup.

Maintaining a skin care and diet diary to discipline all explained. @simrun.chopra