Part 4: Corona Virus Bad Data, Lies, Manipulation and Forced Government Mandates

President Trump

Coronavirus response time

Media labels Trump a racist for saying “China, Corona or Wuhan” virus, but they did it first

The media and Left will take any side as long as it opposes Trump and his ideas or even thoughts

But it turns out the UV light theory isn’t BS afterall, especially when you consider the vitamin D deficiencies, but then a biotech company came out publicly with their idea they’ve been developing that works off the concept
Trump theorized and were immediately shutdown and censored by Twitter

Turns out when he touted hydroxychloroquine, he may have been on the right track there as well…

So what is the answer?

Doctors ponder if the government can force and mandate vaccines for the virus under threat of penalties

Alan Dershawits mentioned this kind of forcefulness months ago

You are not going to vaccinate me or my family

Now you can understand why some of us are extremely skeptical of what is going on.