Let's Talk About Butt Stuff: Crohn's & Covid 19 | Immunocompromised | #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease

This video I discuss the risk of contracting Covid 19 for those of us with Crohn’s Disease. We don’t have a higher risk of catching Covid 19, but we would have a much harder chance of recovery if we were to catch it. The issue for us #Crohnies is that we are immunocompromised because of the medications we are on to control our flares. I discuss the medications/treatments that put us at higher risk and those that have no affect on our immune system.

This is an overview of my experience with this from the point of getting sick in September of 2019 to diagnosis in March of 2020. My hope is that these videos can be informative to others who are seeking information about Crohn’s and the treatments available to them. Be prepared, I tell it like it is, so these videos will go into pretty graphic detail about the “butt stuff.”

Since January I had two EUAs (Exam Under Anesthesia) that resulted in one partial fistulotomy and two setons (drains) being placed. Two colonoscopies and two MRIs. I began Remicade infusions in mid-March, I incorrectly state in the video my start date for Remicade, apologies it’s been a year. I’m also currently on Azathioprine an oral immune suppressant (chemo).

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I am not a healthcare professional and in no way should what I discuss in this video replace the advice of your doctor and other healthcare professionals.