Full Frame: Coronavirus Vaccine with Dr. Gregory Glenn, Novavax

When it comes to vaccines, the typical timeline for research, testing and approval is at least a decade. Now, drugmakers are trying to do the same in a matter of months.

Unprecedented collaboration on a global scale is making this tight timeline more realistic. One of the drugmakers testing coronavirus vaccine in humans is U.S.-based Novavax. Early clinical trials in 56 volunteers found that participants who received the vaccine produced antibodies that neutralized the virus, without any serious side effects. The next step is to increase the number of volunteers and test against a placebo.

“That’s going to be the issue, conducting these trials, getting enough cases where you have a really statistically unassailable level of protection,” said Dr. Gregory Glenn, president of research and development for Novavax. He estimated that this stage could happen as early as December.

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