Why Nature Is Important For A Healthy Mind – A spiritual guide to wellness and balance through life

As living creatures, we need to understand nature and its important, because without it life would simply not exist.

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#1: Nature is calming: Most of us live in cities and apart for cities being crowded with people, noise is extremely predominant. Nature just has a way of calming us and simply reducing the stress hormone circulating in our bloodstream. By relieving stress one can improve their mood and boost that feeling of happiness and wellbeing. Going to nature to recharge is sometimes called forest bathing, wilderness cure, ecotherapy…Humans evolved as nomads that were constantly walking through nature and the outdoors, so going back to our biological roots seem like the most natural thing to do. And sometimes, if you don’t have the time to really go to the forest, simply going on a walk in a quiet area, a local park, or hike path close to where you live can work wonders.

#2: Nature improves our brain function:
Simply put, fresh air and sunshine will improve a person’s attention span, as well as one’s memory. If you’re in America like me, doctors seem to be very quick to diagnose children that are hyper active or unable to focus as people who have ADHD, or Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ADHD also seems to affect many adults and its symptoms include not being able to focus, excessive movement that is not fitting to the setting, and hasty acts that occur in the moment without thought. Even a study in the University of Illinois showed that children with ADHD were able to focus much better after a 20 minute walk in an area filled with nature, whereas walking in other settings didn’t create much improvement.

#3: Nature turns us into nicer people:
This might sound a little farfetched but nature can turn us into a kinder person simply because we tend to perceive nature as positive. Even if you think of images of a hippy they are always surrounded with nature. Kind of like all the religious paintings in the olden times, they are often depicting gardens and people in harmony with nature and the world surrounding us. Nature has been proven to create positive social behaviors such as being generous, helpful, and trusting. Even the exposure to plants in an indoor setting has been proven to produce positive results. Think of it this way, farmers while growing their crops will start by planting a seed and through nurture and care over time the plants will grow and produce fruits and vegetables. This takes time, dedication and patients. The same goes for people who have a plant. We need to give it the right amount of water, and sunlight. Without the proper amount of nurture plants at home or on farms will simply not thrive. It goes back to our primal instinct of nurturing our children so that they can grow into healthy human beings. Nature and earth are the same, if we do not take care of it, it cannot take care of us. This is why our modern society is somewhat sick.

#4: It’s boosts your immune system:
It’s a scientific fact that we need Vitamin D in order to boost our immune system. Walking outside will easily feed our body with enough Vitamin D and as a result increase our blood cells, which can help fight viruses. Walking everyday will even give you some much needed cardio exercise. In the way that our society is structured, we have become sedentary, sitting in chairs for many hours every day. This starts from a very young age where we spend hours on end each week studying in school, to sitting in college, to even more sitting in cars and our workplace. Yes, sitting is comfortable but if you look at the history of mankind, we used to walk for hours on end each day in order to gather food, and other things that’d we’d need in order to combat the cold/the heat or even find shelter. Now that all of these things are given to us easily or simply be bought with money, humanity has transitioned to sitting down more which creates knee pains, back pains, hip pains, and obesity.

#5: Nature ensures our future:
We as humans are sometimes so disconnected from nature that we forget that we are part of nature too and that we need to be concerned about our environment. If we continue polluting, taking things for granted, destroying and eating all the creatures on earth including all the ones in the sea, eventually we will run out of resources for us to survive. It’s already been proven to us how for example the extinction of the bees could easily compromise the whole of humanity since bees are the most important pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that 1/3 of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees, but also by other insects, birds and bats.

#lovenature #nature #mothernature