रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता कैसे मजबूत करें।(Boost your Immune System)

Our world is going from a difficult situation and the reason behind that is a virus which has realised us that no one is greater than nature .
Corona virus is a deadly virus which has no cure other than social distancing and strong immune system.
This is a small step taken from us to give you a brief knowledge about immunity and how to boost the immunity.
Since the power to increase the immunity lies in the gift of nature.
Immune system is the sum of the chemical reaction which are taking place in our body it governs that reaction and it also fight with the various microorganisms like bacteria, virus, fungi, harmful toxin and protect our body from diseases.
For boosting the immune system one should really on natural product of this wonderful nature like tomatoes since tomato contains vitamin c, vitamin k,and fibure.Use of garlic, lemon,aamala,seasonal fruits,mushroom,leafy vegetables in diet increases the immune system of our body. Honey bee is also helpful and proper cleanliness,regular exercise ,use of water so that our body does not get dehydrated.Use of green tea because it maintains the blood circulation and boosts the immune system of the body .
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