Vaccines and a path to COVID-19 immunity | Stanford Med LIVE – 27 August 2020

Stanford Medicine experts share information about promising vaccines in development, the anticipated efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccine, the challenges — both logistical and ethical — posed by vaccine distribution, and the current public sentiment toward a vaccine. They also discuss how Stanford Medicine is contributing to the creation of a vaccine.

Featured speakers:
Lloyd Minor, MD, dean, Stanford University School of Medicine
David Magnus, MD, professor of pediatrics and of medicine and director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
Yvonne Maldonado, MD, senior associate dean of faculty development and diversity and professor of pediatric infectious diseases and of health research and policy
Bali Pulendran, PhD, professor of pathology and of microbiology and of immunology

Andra Blomkalns, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine

For the latest information on COVID-19: