Raj Bhopal Full Interview: COVID-19 Zugzwang | ContagionLive

Raj Bhopal, CBE DSc, BSc MD, MPH, MBChB, FRCP, FFPHM, is professor emeritus of public health at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

He held the chair of Public Health in the university until his retirement in 2018.

Bhopal is also the author of Concepts of Epidemiology: Integrating the Ideas, Theories, Principles, and Methods of Epidemiology.

Bhopal’s recent article, COVID-19 zugzwang: Potential public health moves towards population immunity, was published in Public Health in Practice.

Public Health in Practice is an official journal of the Royal Society for Public Health and a sister journal of Public Health.

The article proposes a full suite of COVID-19 interventions. It also argues, saliently, that scientific inquiry around various SARS-CoV-2 interventions has been frustrated by an unappealing mix of competing ethical priorities societies face, alongside political battles over terms like “herd immunity.”