Dr. David Ndii on “COVID19: Socio-Economic Impacts and Proposed Solutions”

Published on 8 May 2020

This webinar was organized for Members of the Institute of Engineers of Kenya ( It is useful to everyone across Africa
President IEK: Eng. N. Matalanga (2020-2022) (Twitter: @NMatalanga)
Hon. Secretary IEK: Eng. M. Ogai. (2020-2022)

Speaker: Dr. David Ndii (Twitter: Educated chokoraa, @DavidNdii)

Dr. David Ndii holds a Ph.D. from Oxford University. He also holds master’s degrees in economics from the same university and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Nairobi. Dr. Ndii is a Rhodes Scholar and Eisenhower fellow. He has cut a niche in the economic development and governance advisory sector taking high profile jobs at World Bank, The Rwandan Government, and Equity Bank. Besides consulting, Ndii has also had stints in academia having taught at the University of Nairobi. He previously worked as an economic advisor to the President of Rwanda, Chief Economist for Equity Bank, and as an economist with the World Bank and in 2017 was ranked among the top 30 world economists. Closer home, Dr. Ndii advised the NARC administration under President Mwai Kibaki administration on the Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS) and is credited with the post-2003 recovery of the Kenyan economy. He was also a public finance expert to the Kenya constitutional review Committee of Experts (COE). He has assumed a similar role at NASA. He is currently the Managing Director of Africa Economics, a consulting firm. David Ndii co-founded the Institute of Economic Affairs, Kenya’s first independent policy think tank.
Currently, Ndii has numerously used his social media platforms to discuss pertinent issues facing the county particularly the harsh economy and state of unemployment. Away from social media, Ndii has been participating in activism forums and supported reform causes, most notably the Okoa Mombasa Movement. Dr. Ndii, as you are aware, Engineers are producers – they contribute to wealth creation of the nation by designing and building infrastructure for the benefit of humanity, they drive production processes and innovations in industry and manufacturing. The Engineering Fraternity is honored and excited to hear your thoughts on the socio-economic impacts on COVID-19. Fellow Engineers, Alexander the Great said: “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”. Kindly join me in giving a warm welcome to Dr. Ndii, a truly exceptional thinker of our times to speak to us on “COVID19: Socio-Economic impacts and proposed to solutions”

The speech read by IEK President.