30 Minutes Challenge To Get Silky Hair

The use of curd for hair care is one of the oldest remedies in India.
Powerful with anti-bacterial properties, the curd is an ideal ingredient for keeping scalp infections at bay and is known to reduce stubborn dandruff and itchiness.
Also, the curd is rich in vitamins B5 and D, making it an excellent superfood for our bodies.
You’ll Need:
1 cup curd
5 tsp fenugreek seed powder
1 tsp lemon juice
Take a bowl and blend well with all the ingredients.
Using a brush add the mask to your hair, you can also use your hands to apply the mask.
When done, cover your head with a shower cap and leave for about 40 minutes.
Wash your hair with a soothing herbal shampoo.
Use this hair mask twice a week for a month to get good results and see the visible difference.
Curd is known to have vital properties that help remove dandruff from your hair and scalp.
This curd mask is one of the best and oldest home remedies known to cure even the most stubborn dandruff.
Lemon has been known to be an effective topical treatment for dandruff, you can mix lemon juice with coconut oil too to get the benefits.
The citric acid found in the lemon helps battle dandruff at the root level.
Alternatively, the good antimicrobial properties of the lemon also reduce the fungal infection on your scalp.
The mixture of lemon and curd is perfect for the dual action of eliminating dandruff and healthy hair.
The mixture of natural enzymes and acids helps to fully remove dandruff.
Fenugreek seeds provide properties that are beneficial to both general health and hair.
The fenugreek seeds and curd not only make you get rid of itchy scalp and dandruff but also stop your hair from falling and make your hair look beautiful.
For Lustrous And Shine Hair
You’ll Need:
1 cup of curd
20 hibiscus flowers
10 neem leaves
Half orange juice
Grind the hibiscus flowers and the neem leaves in a blender and add the curd and orange juice.
Mix all the ingredients well.
Now, add the mask to your hair and keep it for half an hour. You can wash your hair with a normal shampoo.
pollution can make your hair look dead.
The best way to deal with this is to prepare a hair mask.
It removes dead skin cells from the scalp and enables nutrients to enter the hair follicles.
Curd is a natural conditioner that helps your hair retain its natural texture and, also, offers the perfect shine you’ve always wanted.
Vitamins and fatty acids in curd remove dandruff and itchiness, making the hair healthier.
Hibiscus is one of the most important ingredients in hair care.
Hibiscus assists in hair development decrease hair loss and promote hair production.
Hibiscus is rich in amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, and alpha hydroxy acids, along with other nutrients that are highly beneficial to your hair.
Neem ‘s high fatty acid content is extremely beneficial for scalp safety.
This is where neem can prove to be a savior, particularly for those who have suffered from increased hair thinning and baldness.
Orange has Vitamin C which is an effective antioxidant that prevents hair damage.
It stimulates the flow of blood to the scalp, which helps the hair grow and prosper.
In addition to promoting hair growth, vitamin C also strengthens the hair and makes it less prone to breakage and hair loss.
For Long And Strong Hair
You’ll Need:
1 cup of curd
1 egg
2 tsp olive oil
3 tsp aloe vera gel (fresh)
2 tsp basil paste
2 tsp curry leaf paste
Take a bowl and add all the ingredients.
Apply your hair mask from the roots to the ends of your hair.
Cover it for an hour and wash it away with your usual shampoo.
Curd not only has a cooling effect on your hair but when combined with the right ingredients, it can also strengthen your hair.
Use this hair mask once a week to get rid of your hair fall.
Although curd is considered to be a natural conditioner, eggs stimulate hair follicles and minimize hair loss.
Egg yolk contains peptides that promote the growth of the hair. It means that the hair grows quickly and safely.
Fermented foods like curd have probiotic bacteria that increase the density of the hair. This stimulates the growth of hair.
it Controls hair loss by improving the health of the scalp and reducing the clogging of follicles. This also prevents damage to the scalp.
It regulates the pH levels of your scalp by controlling the development of sebum.
curd soothes the irritated scalp with its cooling effect.
Olive oil is one of the top oils for hair production.
#hairmask #haircare