This is a quick video looking at the vital role exercise and nutrition can play in providing our bodies with a healthy and strong immune system that can fight off deadly infections like COVID-19.
We hare recently published very detailed articles about this exact topic as it really frustrates me immensely that governments all around the western world have completely ignored healthy eating and exercise.
I also created an easy to read info-graphic to check out with all the stats and information you need
Firstly I would like to say that this article is not intended to be some conspiracy theory about COVID-19 or some radical approach of treating or curing you from getting COVID-19. The purpose of this article is to educate the community about the importance of improving your overall health by applying good eating and exercise habits. None of the information should come a surprise to anyone as we all know that if you lead a healthy lifestyle your chances of getting sick are greatly diminished. Unfortunately many people have forgotten this, and I will show you how the general population’s health has deteriorated at a rapid rate during these radical strategies to control COVID-19.
in the book “An Elegant Defense & The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System” the author Matt Richtel is quoted as saying ““There is even more evidence supporting the value of lifelong exercise. One particular study, published in 2018, shows the importance of exercise to the immune system and longevity. The study looked at the immune system of people aged 55-79, comparing sedentary people with regular cyclists. The people who exercises showed several crucial differences in their elegant defences. The cyclists produced more new T-cells from the thymus, and they had fewer cykotines that cause the thymus to decay. The upshot of the research is that exercise slows the natural aging process of the immune system”.
While I appreciate the Coronavirus needed to be contained and some of the strategies of social distancing and reducing large group gatherings were essential, other parts of the strategies adopted around the western world have come at a huge cost to the health of us all. The consequences of these actions will be seen in 2021 and beyond as the impact of these restrictions to our body are not always immediate, but felt in months to come.
Some of the immediate problems having a direct impact on our health are:
Weight gain
Mental health problems
Musculoskeletal injuries like bulging discs from constant sitting and lack of movement
Vitamin D deficiency from being locked indoors
Loss of muscle mass from lack of movement and gym closures
Apart from all the health concerns is the financial and economic devastation from these strategies which we are all well aware of. I will not use this article to go into that topic as I want to focus solely on health methods with food and exercise, but I am sure you would agree this is going to play a massive role in months to come and you would be a fool to think it is not going to have an impact.
While the lock-down might help the government get their case numbers down, they do not consider what impact forcing people indoors is going to have. We all know that the older you are, and if you have any pre-existing health condition you are a high risk of mortality with COVID-19. These people need to be protected in every possible way. What concerns me the most, is the amount of people who may be hovering on the borderline of being vulnerable or healthy.
These lock-down measures will be placing many people below the line of good health as the lock-down measures wreak havoc on their immune health and vitality. This means the government and the medical experts are actually increasing the population who will be at the highest risk!
Other great articles I suggest you read relating to this video are shown in the links below
We all know that there is no vaccine at the moment and it is unlikely there will be one for some time. Most estimates are for early 2021 to middle 2021 at the best. And even if there is one the chances of it being 100% effective are very low as there has never been a foolproof vaccine for the flu in our history. This means we have to learn to live with the virus