Isotonix OPC 3 & Vitamin C with Dr Deedra Mason

Spring is just around the corner – and for many now is the time we welcome the new warmer season. However with Spring comes the increased output of pollen from trees, grass, and weeds and the spectre of allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Allergies are increasing in Australia and affect around one in five people. Allergy occurs when a person’s reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless to most people. There’s no cure but you can take steps to curb springtime allergies symptoms.

Patients with allergic rhinitis demonstrated elevated oxidative stress and elevated total antioxidant status levels, according to data from a retrospective analysis. As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant supplement, Isotonix OPC-3 helps decrease symptoms of mild allergies and relieve symptoms of sinusitis. Learn more about how combining this product with Vitamin C not only improves immunity but helps decrease symptoms of mild allergies and decrease symptoms of mild allergic rhinitis.

Learn how to boost your resistance against allergens by keeping your immune system strong with this powerful webinar held by Market America’s Director of nutraMetrix and Clinical Education – Dr Deedra Mason.