Health Trivia – Kids Edition (Kale Chips and Kale Smoothie by AJ)

Did you know that Kale is good for the brain- Its loaded with vitamin A,B6 and omega 3 fatty acids which also give us beautiful skin. It’s s anti-inflammatory. It helps prevent and alleviate arthritis, autoimmune disorders and asthma. . Its is also good for the heart. It lowers down bad cholesterol. It has the highest level of antioxidants thus lowers the risk of cancer even covid 19. It is high in lutein that is good for the eyes. It has more vitamin C than Orange .It has the highest level of fiber & sulfur thus it helps detoxifies our bodies. It’s an extraordinary source of vitamin K (one cup has 1,020% of the daily requirement), almost twice as much as other cruciferous veggies 6. Check this out! It is called the “new beef” because it has more iron than meat and more calcium than milk. Wow! It’s really a super food!