Gluck & Hammonds, "Understanding Viruses, Immunity, and Vaccines"

Mark Gluck & Delores Hammonds (Rutgers University-Newark, Aging & Brain Health Alliance), “Understanding Viruses, Immunity, and Vaccines: Simple and Clear Answers to Key Questions about COVID-19”.

#1. Why are there two types of tests for COVID-19?
#2. Did they name the virus after the beer, or the beer after the virus?
#3. Why do they call it a “novel” coronavirus?
#4. How long does the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 stay in our bodies?
#5. Why do they call the disease COVID-19?
#6. Can COVID-19 affect your brain and increase risk for Alzheimer’s Disease?
#7. What are T-Cells, and how are they different than Antibodies?
#8. How does a vaccine work?
#9. What lifestyle changes can improve my immune system?