New born baby health care , nutrition and immunization women and child development

Child Healthcare

1. An unhealthy mother has grave effects on the child

2. For physical and mental development, the first two years are very crucial in child’s ife.

3. A woman must deliver in a hospital where she and the child get proper care and rest

Nutrition and Growth Chart

1. Be aware of the normal weight gain of a child by maintaining their growth chart

2. A child bom 3 kg should grow up by 6 kg by its fith month

3. A low birth weight child, below 25 kg, requires special care and nutritious diet


Immunise you child from seven deadly diseases

1. Immediately after birth, vitamin K Injection must be given followed by BCG shot and polio drops.

2. During week 6, 10 and 14 hepatitis B (or Pentavalent), DPT whooping cough tetanus and measles vaccines should be

administered HIV, pneumonia and meningitis shot should be taken at right times

3. At 9 months a vitamin C shot, booster and second dose of measles should be given