Back to School Teacher/Parent support with food-as-medicine and functional approaches to wellness!

39:00 minutes We talk Functional Concerns of Pandemic guidelines
43:00 minutes We talk masks: best options, things to avoid, considerations for safety of use, shortcomings
52:00 minutes Essential need! Mandate measuring pulse ox in the classroom

Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE is a Registered Dietitian with a naturopathic background and a contagious passion for using nutrients and food as the foundation of treatment protocols and programs. She is the author of The Anti-Anxiety Diet and The Anti-Anxiety Diet Cookbook. Her Food-As-Medicine philosophy is supported by up-to-date scientific research for a functional integrative approach to healing the body. Ali is a certified diabetes educator (CDE) and renowned expert in the ketogenic diet with over a decade of clinical results using a unique whole foods approach tailored to support thyroid, adrenal and hormonal balance.

In this hour conversation Ali will speak with Lindy Bulsterbaum teacher, mom of 2, wife of an SAFD fireman, Keto warrior (down over 100 pounds) and believer in Ali’s Food-as-Medicine mission. Lindy will moderate your questions and interview Ali on teachers burning questions from how to enhance your immune system, foods to combat stress, supplements to ensure are in your medicine cabinet, lifestyle practice to support healthy respiratory function and metabolism, toxicity considerations in disinfectants, and how to support best outcomes in your classroom and beyond!

This offering will arm your with empowerment as we stand strong together and navigate this new territory with facts over fear applying action and empowerment.