COVID-19 Critical Care Training Forum: Episode 14

COVID-19 Critical Care Training Forum: Updates in Hypoxemia in COVID-19: Best Treatment Strategies for and Pathologic Mechanisms of Hypoxemia in this Novel Disease

Moderator: Laura E. Crotty Alexander, MD, UCSD
Discussants: Erica Lin, MD, UCSD; Amy Bellinghausen Stewart, MD, UCSD; Cameron McGuire, MD, UCSD PCCSM; and Atul Malhotra, MD, UCSD PCCSM

Dr. Lin kicked off the forum with a Covid-19 case presentation followed by Dr. Bellinghausen Stewart sharing best practices in caring for critically ill Covid-19 patients. Dr. McGuire delivered an update on controversies in Covid-19 care, specifically what therapies have and have not panned out, and Dr. Malhotra discussed mechanisms of underlying hypoxemia in Covid-19 patients. Hosted by Laura Crotty Alexander, MD.