Returning to Dance: Nutrition and Fitness

1. Time Point: 8:18
Q. Are you working with dancers who have been unwell with COVID, and may still be working to resume their normal levels of health and fitness, and need to focus additionally on restorative nutrition?

2. Time Point: 16:13
Q. Should dancers consider specific supplements? For example, we know that vitamin D has a role to play in the immune system?

3. Time Point: 21:30
Q. How do dancers manage fluids with mask wearing?

4. Time Point: 42:20
Q. EMD have advised against wearing masks for exercise classes, the government have updated this on their site saying masks are not required for indoor exercise if it affects your ability to do the activity. Would you recommend we still wear them for dance even if we are 3m apart?

5. Time Point: 47:24
Q. Food safety – the practicalities of eating in the studio. What advice is there for dancers or teachers who may need to consume food during the dancing day or session? What should people be thinking about?

6. Time Point: 49:48
Q. What about frequency of handwashing and hygiene when eating? Should this just be before and after eating?

7. Time Point: 50:53
Q. Regarding the gradual increase in physical activity, a lot of dancers are doing some quite intensive physical conditioning right now in lockdown, as they have had more time. What would you say about that in terms of returning to dance in a studio? Would dancers be fit and ready to start back with their usual dance activities, what are the considerations around that?

8. Time Point: 53:15
Q. How will the quality of a dancer’s nutrition impact their training? Particularly considering that many fast-food options are now available again. What kinds of quality food choices should dancers be making, and how will the consumption of energy sources impact their training?