The only supplement worth taking | Which SUPPLEMENT do you ACTUALLY NEED & What supplement do I take

Which SUPPLEMENTS do you ACTUALLY NEED What supplements do I take?

The supplements shown in the video are explained below in same order as appearance:

1. Inmuno Pro by Supplement Needs: Comprehensive immune support . 3 caps 3x daily
2. Multivitamin and Minerals by Supplement Needs: take 1 daily. Get any multivitamin you like.
3. GDA Glucose Disposal Agent Stack:
3.1 Berberine HCL: Controls insulin spikes and help regulate how the body uses sugar in the blood. Take 1 capsule before high carb meals (preferably pre and post workout). No more than 2 caps per day.
3.2 ALA Alpha Lipoic Acid: Lowers Blood sugar. Stack with berberine
4. Liposomal Curcumin: Liquid curcumin is more bioavailable tha other forms of curcumin, it reduces inflamation (inflamation is one of the main causes of cancer) and improves joints health.
5. Support Max Joint: same as above but includes black pepper for better absortion and Glucosamine Sulphate.
6. Greens powder: For general health and ensuring micronutrionts needs are met on a daily basis.
7. Pump Formula (no Caffeine): increases blood flow, nutrients release and improves focus when you workout. Take on an empty stomach 30 mins pre-workout
8. EAA Essential Amino Acids: Amino acids that support protein synthesis and avoid muscle wear (although these statements are not fully demosntrated). I just drink to add flavour to my water. I drink Intra workout.
9.Caffeinated Pre workout: sames as 7 but with caffeine. I only take it if I workout in the morning and I cant have coffee for any reason. Otherwise I prefer coffe and pumo formula stacked together.
10. Creatine monohydrate: It helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high-intensity exercise. Take 5g every day at any time, try to always take at the same time.
11. Protein Powder: not required for muscle building. I only take to add flavour to my porridge or yoghurt or if I am very low on protein in a day. I rarely consume these.

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