Healthy Habits – A Grass Fed Cow is a Happy Cow! How Healthy Living Means a Healthier Smile!

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Stamm Dental Wellness

Looking Beyond Your Smile
We offer more than just dental care here. We consider your nutrition, your oral and overall health habits, and your complete wellness. Patients of all ages are welcome here. From prenatal care to chiropractic services to full mouth dental implants, dentistry is just the start of what we do at Stamm Dental Wellness.

Stamm Dental Wellness

1960 N. Ogden St. Ste 260
Denver, CO 80218
(303) 839-5109
Hi, I’m Doctor Heather Stamm and I’m here again to talk about a healthy habit. In one of my last videos, we talked a lot about you know, what to put in your mouth to keep you healthy. Well your mouth and your whole entire body, and I mentioned a lot of grass fed and pasture-raised and I just wanted to go a little more in detail of is that important and why or why not and I mean the flat answer is yes.

Traditional means of is given corn and this meat has lower minerals. It has lower zinc and iron and phosphorus. It has lower lower Mega threes. It has higher higher Mega sixes, which that combination causes a lot more inflammation in your body which decreases your immunity. These corn fed cows get a lot of illnesses because they’re not meant to eat corn and so they are given antibiotics which then gets pumped into you and that kills a lot of your good bacteria, which disrupts your whole gut biome which isn’t good. They’re also given anti bloat medicine because getting corn doesn’t agree with their systems and there are also a lot of times given growth hormones so that they can be bigger and thus sell more meat. So ultimately, corn-fed, the traditional way, they’re not happy cows. And if they’re not happy cows, their systems aren’t happy and that gets pushed onto your system and ultimately causes a lot of inflammation in your body. Now grass-fed meat has higher vitamin E and higher vitamin A and they’re eating what nature intended for them to eat, grass. I mean one of the main reason that it’s a health benefit for us is when they eat these leafy greens, you know, grass. They convert what’s called a vitamin K1 into Vitamin K2. And if you remember from some of my last videos, vitamin K2 is necessary for the whole process of absorption of vitamin D, which you need for your immunity. And so these grass-fed meats are actually helping you with your whole vitamin D absorption rate and you know, there is also environmental things that believe it or not grass-fed is better for the environment. And if you check out the blog that’s attached to here. There’s more information on that for you, but I just wanted to give you another little healthy habit of the difference between a grass-fed and corn-fed beef and hopefully this helps.

Stay tuned for another one! Take care. Bye!