Food as medicine; sources if vitamin C, D, polyphenols, zinc, and quercetin

Hippocrates said let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food over 2500 years ago. This stands as true today as it ever has. A whole-food, plant-centered, diet os one of the best ways to get high quality, unrefined, nutrient-dense nutrition into the body.
Plants contain micronutrients know to support the health of many systems and processes in the body, feed the microbiome, and support a healthy immune system.
Many vitamins and minerals can also be found in animal protein from beef to fish and everything in between.
The key is to limit as much unprocessed and unrefined food and eat as close to the earth as possible.

~Vitamin C- citrus, berries, broccoli, peppers, sweet potato, tomatoes, guava, parsley, kale
~Vitamin D- fatty fish, cheese, egg yolk, mushrooms, oatmeal
~Quercetin- apples, onions, teas, berries, raspberry, grapes, broccoli
~Polyphenols- dark chocolate, berries, spices like turmeric and peppermint, apples, cherries, beans, raw nuts, onions, spinach,
coffee/tea, red wine
~Zinc- red meat, shellfish, legumes, raw nuts, and seeds, eggs, dark chocolate