How To Know If It Is Normal Fever Or COVID-19.

How To Know If It Is Normal Fever Or COVID-19.

Even if we have simple normal fever or cough during this time of pandemic, we are so much worried and have fear inside our mind, that it might be coronavirus. Some people have the tendency to get fever and cold every month and in specific seasons but are these symptoms really because of COVID-19.
In this video we are going to spot the difference between the fever and different sign and symptoms that are easily misinterpreted as COVID-19.
How to manage your symptoms at home, what to eat and what is the right time when we should seek immediate medical attention, is all discussed in this video.

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This VIDEO is intended for the educational resource purpose only and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health problem or any disease, it is not a substitute of health care physician. Daily MED simply explains standard medical recommendations or authentic research analysis in layman language for the public education. Please seek your doctor for any help.
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