ANH Forest Chat: Covid Deception Unravelled

Amidst the intensifying of mask mandates, covid restrictions and pandemic impacts in many countries, join Rob Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge for the first in our new series of ANH Forest Chats.
A summer foil for our winter Log Cabin Chats! We hope that our conversation helps more people to become part of the solution, so please do share widely. In this chat we highlight a number of areas where what you hear on the news just does not tally with the data. We all should be questioning, why?

The Wild West of coronavirus testing

The R number – what we’re not being told

Covid-19 – the video: Adapt, don’t fight

Behind the masks…

Build your immune resilience – as nature intended

Natural bodies need natural agents

Devastating lockdown consequences

Call to action – help create the new vaccine narrative

‘Promising’ and ‘safe’ Moderna vaccine trial causes severe adverse events

The uncertain promise of a Covid vaccine: The video

Find out more in our COVID ZONE:


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The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) International is an independent, internationally-active, non-profit organisation. Our mission is to promote and protect natural and sustainable approaches to healthcare worldwide. We are Health Creators and our passion is the pursuit of optimal health and health care sustainability by working with, not against, nature.

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