COVID: What if we ALL "Get it"?

Yes, theoretically it’s possible to avoid COVID but is it probable? NO! If we finally accept that all of us will most likely be put in the “positive” column at some point, wouldn’t it be wise to abandon fear, embrace logic and to prepare for the inevitability?

Regardless of how much we try to mask ourselves off from society and our environment, we will most likely have the opportunity to be exposed, not only to COVID but to countless viruses. We also have trillions of viruses that are already part of our microbiome. Our bodies are designed to fight viruses as well as cohabitate with them. If we focus on proactive measures instead of being mired in fear (which can compromise your immune system) and maintain competent immune system function with effective simple strategies, you will have a greater chance of avoiding symptoms and/or suffer from illness.

In this video, I reiterate the protocol I have recommended since COVID took center stage. I do not profess a cure but share scientifically proven options that can be utilized to help you put the fear aside to regain much needed peace-of-mind, hope and confidence.

I encourage all to take responsibility, to do your own research, to be kind, and to focus on your optimal whole health. Please consider sharing knowledge of an empowering path with others who may be struggling during these unprecedented times. Be well.