How to Use Vitamin C for Radiant Skin, Youthful Glow & Acne Free Skin Tone

With the multitude of innovative beauty rituals that everybody has been trying out, the most popular and might we add secretive ingredient has been Vitamin C. And why wouldn’t it be? This power packed ingredient does wonders to your skin, if you’re looking for something that’s anti ageing, de-tanning and gives you a naturally illuminated look.

In this video, I’ve shared 3 amazing ways to incorporate this superstar ingredient in your DAILY beauty regimes to avail the benefits of Vitamin C without spending a fortune.

1. Facial Oils : Camellia Oil + Grapefruit Oil
2. Face Wash: Fresh Yoghurt + Orange Peel Powder
3. Face Mask: Aloe Vera + Orange Juice

Hope this video helped you and let me know your feedback and questions in the comments below.

– Shruti Mane

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