Basic Nutrition Knowledge/What is Nutrition, Nutrient, Vitamin & Mineral.

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Nutrition and good health are complement with each other. So maintaining a good health we have to know about basic nutrition knowledge.

Nutrition: Nutrition is the science of food or millions of individual cells, which require nutrients to carry out the chemical reactions which keep them alive and functioning properly.

Nutrients: The nutritive substances contained in the food which the body needs to function properly are known as nutrients. Nutrients can be classified into 2.
1)Macro-nutrient and 2) Micronutrients.
Macronutrients are Those nutrients, present in the diet in large amounts in the range of grams. Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein & Water are Macronutrients.
The main function of carbohydrate and fat is to provide energy, while protein supplies structural material to build body cells and tissues. Water does not provide any energy but is of critical importance because of its function as a solvent in which all chemical reactions occur and as a component of the body’s temperature regulation system.
Micronutrients are Those nutrients, required in very small amounts in our body in the range of milligrams and micrograms. Vitamins, Minerals and trace elements ate micronutrients.

Vitamins : Vitamins are essential organic substance found in tiny amounts in the diet for normal function , growth and maintenance of body tissues. There are 13 vitamins like vitamin A, Vitamin B complex( B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,B7, B9, B12), vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Vitamins can be classified into two groups based on their solubility. Fat Soluble Vitamins and water soluble vitamins.
Fat Soluble Vitamins are Vitamins A, D, E & K. It can be stored in either the liver or adipose tissue. When their intake is in excess of needs. On the Other hand water Soluble Vitamins are Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex. The water soluble vitamins are not stored in the body to any appreciable extent. Excess intake leads to their excretion in urine.

Minerals: Minerals are essential in the diet and each plays an unique and often multi-factorial role and they act at all levels of the body – cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism. Examples- calcium and phosphorus help build and maintain strong bones and teeth; others, e.g.; selenium, act as antioxidants or are key components of in important body com-pounds. Lodine, for example, is a component of the thyroid hormones (important for growth and metabolic rate control), and iron is component of haemoglobin in red blood cells. Some minerals such as sodium, potassium , calcium and chloride function in the trans- mission of nerve impulses and muscle con-traction, and aid in the regulation of the body’s water and electrolyte balance. Finally ,several vitamins require specific minerals to act as key components in their structure and function. For example , vitamin B12 requires cobalt in its structure to function efficiently.

Major Minerals : Generally speaking, if 100mg or more per day of a mineral is required, it is referred to as a major mineral. calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, Chlorine and magnesium are major minerals.
Trace Elements : a mineral is considered a trace element when it is required in amounts less than 100 mg pre day. Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, Chromium, Fluorine, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Cobalt are Trace Elements.
On average the human body is composed of 60% water and 40% dry matter of protein , fat, carbohydrate, minerals and trace elements.
When looking at the dry matter (40%) the detail of Body composition of a non -obese man is –
Protein = 40%, Fat = 40%, Vitamin and Minerals =15%, Carbohydrate =5%.

For good health we should follow the proper nutritious value while taking food. Thank You for watching this video. If the video come to your any advantage, please like and share this video. We wish you a great healthy life!
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