This pill can help you build more musclemass | | vitamin D3

Hello Guys myself Madhu, Certified fitness and nutrition consultant (dietitian) I am here to help you reach fitness goals
link to buy cheapest vitamin D3 supplement

Hello folks in our todays article we will be discussing about vitamin D3

Note: This can help you build more musclemass in less time.

D3 is one of the neglected micronutrient.
#1 source of vitamin d is sunlight, this is where sedentary lifestyle people are lacking, they leave their
house before the sunrises and comeback home after the sunsets.
even the vitamin D foods like salmon, milk, egg yolk, fish oil, Oysters, shrimp, canned tuna,
mushroom arent enough to fill the gap of daily vitamin d intake..

vitamin D deficiency can cause hormonal imbalance,
Osteoporosis(condition in which bones become weak, brittle and fracture more easily
especially in post menopausal women), depression, anxiety, osteomalacia, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
drop in testosterone levels (can result in reduced muscle mass or you might find it hard to pack on muscle).

Even though calcium plays an important role in maintaining bone health/density without enough
activated vitamin D in the body, dietary calcium cannot be absorbed.

Daily vitamin D requirement is between 1000iu – 2000iu.

how to know whether you are vitamin d deficient…?
You can simply get a blood checkup to know where you stand, normal range lies between
a level of 20 nanograms/milliliter to 50 ng/mL is considered adequate for healthy people.
A level less than 12 ng/mL indicates vitamin D deficiency.
If your bloodwork came out to be Vitamin D deficient then you would have to supplement between
3000iu-5000iu per day as prescribed by your nutritionist or medical practitioner.

Do you need to supplement it…?
If you are a working individual who leaves the house before the sunrise and comeback home after the sunsets
and mostly stay indoor during working hours (unlike real-estate guy or a civil engineer or a Field worker)
you would need to supplement vitamin d3 as you arent getting enough sun exposure,
If you are a college/school going kid who plays alot of outdoor sports you wouldnt have
to supplement. A minimum of 20-30mins of sun exposure is enough to complete daily vitamin D intake..

When supplementing vitamin D its good to take with healthy fat like ghee, coconut oil, fishoil
almond/peanut butter as itis a fat soluble vitamin which increases absorption when taken with healthy fats.

Supplementation can also reduce the risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
People deficient in vitamin D may also experience increased testosterone levels after supplementation.
As increased testosterone can also help you build more musclemass in less time.

Some studies suggest that intakes up to 10,000 IU per day have not been associated with adverse effects.
If you take more than 10,000 IU per day of vitamin D orally for more than 6 months, you are definitely
at risk of becoming vitamin D intoxicated.
And remember, we cannot become vitamin D intoxicated from excessive sunlight.

below is the link to buy the cheapest Vitmain D3

as every soft-gels(pill) has 5000iu you can take 2 capsules every week or every 10days…
and one box can last long upto 2-3years
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