Functional Nutrition

morning routines are very important- to start the day off I usually start with a smoothie- it’s one routine that keeps me feeling great all morning long!

This morning I made a nutrient-packed berry-smooth smoothie!

The MCT, coconut butter and seeds are a great source of good fats

The kale packs it up with prebiotics which increases your levels of beneficial immune-bolstering bacteria.

Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants that promote brain health and preserve brain function.

~ stick them in the freezer, great snack and they freeze very well.
~ give them room when storing- overcrowding will cause them to deteriorate rapidly
~ shop by color (bold red) and eat them fresh, slicing strawberries can cause vitamin C levels to decline because it releases an enzyme that quickly destroys the vitamin. So to get the most vitamin C keep their little green caps and slice them just before serving 🍓🍓🍓

#breakfast #routine #functionalnutrition #NOVAnp #nutrition #health #foodismedicine #eattherainbow #wellness #selfcare #organic #vegetables #farmacy #health #wellness @nazaneennassiry