Vitamin B12 Functions in our body | Vitamin B12 Source, Supplements – विटामिन बी-12 कैसे बढ़ाए

Vitamin B12 Functions in our body | Vitamin B12 Source, Supplements – विटामिन बी-12 कैसे बढ़ाए ?

Vitamin B12 (also called cobalamin) is one of the 8 B vitamins. These B vitamins are generally called B Complex vitamins, which are must for our body.

All B-Vitamins are water soluble, it means our body doesn’t store them. But Vitamin B12 can be stored by our liver for years.

Vitamin B12 Functions –

To Generate Red Blood Cells And DNA – Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of Red Blood Cells and synthesis of DNA .

Prevents Nerve Damage – Vitamin B12 helps to prevent the nerve damage caused by toxins and free radicals in the blood.

Protects Brain Health – It helps to protect the nerve cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency was found in every Alzheimer patient. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause Dementia in elder people.

Maintains Bone Health – Vitamin B12 helps to maintain bone health. In several studies it is found that patients with Osteoporosis have much lower levels of Vitamin B12 then the normal people.

Heart Health – Homocysteine is a dangerous protein which damages your arteries and gives heart disease. Vitamin B12 keeps the homocysteine levels low and protect the heart.

Supports Energy – It is the food of our cells. Vitamin B12 provide energy into the cells so that our body remain energetic for the full day.

Improves Mood & Keeps You Feeling Young – Vitamin B12 helps to regulate Serotonin hormone which helps to improve the mood. Vitamin B12 supports DNA health, so it keeps your cells younger. And younger cells means feeling and looking young.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Results in –

Anaemia (खून की कमी)
Weak Nerves & Muscles
Brain Diseases
Weak Memory & Depression
Numbness & Nervousness
Tingling Sensation in the fingers and toes
Cardiovascular Disease
Fatigue & Lack of Energy

How Much Vitamin B12 We Need –

Infants between 0 to 12 months need 0.5 mcg of Vitamin B12

Children between 1 to 8 years need 1.0 mcg of Vitamin B12

Children Between 9 to 13 years need 1.8 mcg of Vitamin B12

Everybody above 14 Years of Age need 2.4 mcg Vitamin B12 as per the RDA recommendation

Vegetarian Sources of Vitamin B12 –

250 Grams Curd – 1.4 mcg
250 ML Milk – 1.2 mcg
250 Gram Paneer/Cottage Cheese – 1.1 mcg
30 grams swiss cheese – 1.0 mcg

Non-Veg Sources of Vitamin B12 –

100 grams sardine fish – 7.0 mcg
100 grams lamb(mutton) – 3.0 mcg
100 grams salmon fish – 2.8 mcg
2 large eggs – 1.2 mcg

Vitamin B12 Supplements –

A good Multivitamin tablet contains sufficient amounts of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is also available in injection form.

Vitamin B12 supplement is also available in chewable tablet and swallower tablet form.

Images Credit – Google Images(Labeled For Reuse With Modification)

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