Dr.Hemanth Kumar Covid-19 is caused by Corona virus , from the family of Coronaviridae

Dr.Hemanth Kumar explains the situation of Coivd-19. Its pandemic nature, symptoms, how it spreads and how to prevent its spread.
Covid-19 is caused by Coronavirus , from the family of Coronaviridae.

It is a communicable disease and it spreads from person to person from sneeze, touch, cough.

The symptoms of Covid-19 are as follows :
Day 1: Pain in throat
Day 2: Body pains

Day 3 : Fever
Generalised weakness along with all the above three complaints

Covid-19 is self-limiting in people with strong immunity. Immunity is the inner strength of every person responsible to be free from the effect of diseases.

Old-age or elderly people and occasionally children less than 10yrs are at high risk of getting affected with Covid-19.

People suffering from Diabetes, Kidney diseases, Cancer, Heart ailments, Blood pressure are known to possess less immunity and therefore are more prone to develop Covid-19 symptoms.

Diagnostic tests required to diagnose Covid-19 are :
CBP -Complete Blood picture

ESR -Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

CRP -C-Reactive ProteinChest X-ray

HRCT- Chest -High resolution Computed tomography
PCR test -Polymerase chain reaction

At Immunity Clinics, our doctors differentiate Covid-19 symptoms from other infectious diseases such as Flu, Influenza , Pneumonia etc.