How To Grow Taller By Taking Control Of Your Nutrition for Women of Child-Bearing Age

How To Grow Taller By Taking Control Of Your Nutrition for Women of Child-Bearing Age
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Hormones are intertwined in the unique and complex issues of women’s health. Whether or not you choose to have children, the choices you make now while you still grow taller, during your childbearing years, affect the quality and length of your life for the long run. Many of those choices are uniquely female.

In your childbearing years you need more iron than men do to grow taller. Why? To replace iron loss from menstrual flow. On average, women lose about 1/4 cup of blood with each menstrual period. Those with a heavy flow may lose more. For women who don’t replace that iron, menstrual loss of iron combined with low iron intake, frequent dieting, and a low vitamin C intake contribute to iron deficiency and perhaps to anemia.

The Dietary Guidelines advise women of child-bearing age: Eat foods high in heme-iron and/or consume iron-rich plant foods or iron-fortified foods with an enhancer of iron absorption, such as vitamin C-rich foods. For women ages nineteen to fifty, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron is 18 milligrams of iron daily. During pregnancy, the recommendation increases to 27 milligrams daily. To compare, adult men need only 8 milligrams of iron daily. With menopause, a woman’s need for iron drops and equals that of men.

To get enough iron from food while growing taller, eat iron-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fortified cereal, enriched rice, and legumes. Remember that iron from grain products, legumes, and eggs isn’t absorbed as well. So enjoy these foods with vitamin C-rich foods: perhaps citrus fruit with your morning cereal or scrambled egg. Consult your healthcare provider about an iron supplement to grow taller too.

Modifying recipes without compromising taste doesn’t require extra time just quick, easy kitchen know-how. Tips here offer many ways to prepare foods with less fat (including saturated and trans fats), cholesterol, added sugars, and sodium. You’ll also find ways to add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber, and calcium to your food preparation to grow taller. Trimming fat and added sugars can cut calories, too! Now cook for the health (and flavor) of it!

Physical activity may offer benefits! First, a good workout stimulates the release of brain endorphins, which can help relieve PMS moodiness. Just before your period, endorphin levels are low. Second, if you tend to eat more before your period, exercise can help you keep your weight stable and grow taller naturally. And third, sweating may help reduce bloating if you retain less fluid.