Stop with the Vitamin and Supplement Obsession!! | Sameer Islam Videos

So you are taking vitamins and supplements and are wondering if you actually should? In this video, you can learn some of the harms and risks with taking vitamins and supplements. PLUS some Pro Tips to help. Click here to Subscribe
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*****? What vitamins/supplements are your taking and why?*****
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———Cameras and Gear Used To Shoot This Video ——-

Camera used to record: Logitech C9030 e:
Microphone: Rode SCg-L Kit Mobile Interview Kit for Lightning iOS:
Microphone Extension: Rode SC1 TRRS Extension Cable for SmartLAV + Microphone, 20 Feet:

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About This Video:
This video is all about risks/demerits of taking vitamins that you have heard/read from the internet or social media. There are many harms while consuming those! I will brief on the following –
– Vitamin obsession
– Why people take Vitamins?
– When it’s actually necessary to take and
– Harmful effects.

Moreover, You will learn about who should take vitamins and supplements, who should NOT be taking vitamins and supplements, the risks of taking vitamins and supplements, and you may be wasting your money on vitamins and supplements.
