32 Rules to overcome Coronavirus(Covid19

32 Rules to overcome Coronavirus(Covid19


1 – Always be prepared and do not panic.
2- Avoid gatherings.
3- Avoid contact.
4- Keep a suitable distance between you and others (2 m).
5- Wash your hands often with soap and water.
6- Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or handkerchief when you cough or sneeze.
7- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if your hand is not clean. 8- Avoid sharing things with others(food,cups) for drink
9 – Repeatedly cleans and disinfects the surfaces you touches daily.
10- Stay at home.
11. Avoid using public transportation as possible as you can.
12 – Social distancing saves lives.
13- Raise your immunity. 14- One gram per day of vitamin C.
15- Honey and Queen Bee Food.
16- Food that warms the body like green, red and yellow peppers, as well as ginger, cinnamon, fennel and turmeric.
17 – Drink plenty of water.
18- Attention to home sports(daily training).
19 – Do not forget your religous duties.
20 – Avoid and stop smoking.
21 – Avoid unhealthy food.
22- Wearing medical masks in gatherings.
23- Avoid exposure to other people’s mist.
24- Have hot drinks every one hour.
25-Don’t shake hands with anyone.
26- Sterilizing the shoes with alcohol and placing them outside the house. 27- Sterilization of things before entering the home.
28- Attention to children and our vulnerable in general.
29- Have a good sleep.
30-Stay healthy and safe.
31-family isolation from others,keep your family safe.
32-Follow the instructions and guidance of the higher authorities.