The 9 Worst Fish to Eat (Avoid at All Costs) | BioTrust Nutrition

See the 9 Worst Fish to Eat For You Diet Here:

Fish and seafood, as a category, are often regarded among the most nutritious on the planet. For example, they are staples of some of the healthiest eating patterns, like the Mediterranean, Nordic and Japanese diets. Of course, health organizations like the American Heart Association urge us to eat seafood 2 – 3 times per week – and even that may not be enough.

But, the truth is that not all fish are created equal, and some choices are much better than others. In fact, some can be downright dangerous to your health.

Before revealing the best and worst fish, let’s talk about why it’s so important to eat seafood, which is associated with reduced risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, mood disorders and more.

For starters, the best seafood choices are loaded with the super-nutrients protein and omega-3 fats, which are important for healthy levels of inflammation and for the health of your heart, brain, mood, metabolism, eyes, skin and immune system.

Beyond that, they also provide vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, iodine and one of the most overlooked and underconsumed nutrients, choline. As an added bonus, the skin and bones of fish provide the all-important collagen protein.

But like I mentioned, not all fish are created equal, and when it comes to drawing the line in the sand, here are 4 factors that separate the best from the worst: 1) omega-3 content, 2) levels of contaminants like mercury, 3) sustainability and 4) seafood fraud and mislabeling, which is shockingly common.

Along those lines, the best seafood choices are high in omega-3s, low in contaminant and are sustainably sourced. With that in mind, here are my top 7 seafood choices: wild salmon, sardines, mussels, rainbow trout, Atlantic mackerel, anchovies and oysters.

On the other side of the coin, there are many seafood options that would be best to limit or avoid, including these 9 avoid-at-all-costs worst fish to eat: king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tilefish, big-eye tuna, bluefin tuna and all forms of fried fish.

You are now armed with the info you need to make the best seafood choices, and best of all, to be a highly educated consumer. Be well, my friend.

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