8 Foods that Help your Body Produce Collagen

8 Foods that Help your Body Produce Collagen
Modern science has provided several options to make the traces of aging disappear from our faces. Plastic surgery, food supplements, or collagen-enriched creams promise that they will be able to erase a few decades from our face.

However, the main goal is to stimulate our body to naturally produces more collagen.

Some foods lead to the improvement of natural collagen production.

1. Green vegetables – such as spinach or kale are rich in vitamin C and increase collagen production. They also contain a powerful antioxidant called lutein that helps the skin’s natural hydration and elasticity.

2. Blueberries – are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that work together to create bonds that strengthen collagen fibers.

3. Garlic – Several studies show that foods rich in sulfur help the body produce proteins that maintain skin elasticity. Garlic lipoid acid heals damaged collagen fibers and accelerates the appearance of new cells.

4. Avocado oil – can have spectacular effects on the skin because vitamins A and D in the oil help increase collagen production.

5. Orange vegetables – such as carrots or sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A that heals and regenerates collagen reserves.

6. Whole grains – Whole grains are high in fiber and help detoxify the body. They are a rich source of B-complex vitamins that play a role in regenerating and invigorating the skin.

7. Mushrooms – mushrooms are considered in Asia the elixir of youth. They are rich in vitamin B5 and selenium, which is known for its anti-aging properties.

8. Cabbage – A cabbage salad a day provides us with the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. The lack of vitamin C in the diet makes the skin dry and lacking in freshness.

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