Cat Nutrition – Must Have Ingredients For Kitty

Also, if you have a pet home, ensure that all the food it needs is provided. You can always make sure that you feed your pet with healthy food. But what can be described as safe cat food is hard to understand. In any animal’s store there are a wide range of cat foods. Before you buy the food, you should check that the food contains all the nutrients required to live a healthy life for your cat. Some of your cat’s nutrients are:

Vitamin A-both humans and animals need much Vitamin A. But carotene, which they receive from plants, can not be turned into Vitamin A, such as humans, by animals. You can receive vitamin A from different forms of foods, such as liver and kidney. And make sure you have enough liver and kidney in your cat food. A vitamin A deficiency in cat feed can lead to serious problems with health. The cat could begin to lose weight, damage his cell membranes, and stun his growth. His immunity levels can decrease and the abnormal menstrual cycles of women cats can occur. If a women cat has no vitamin A, she may become pregnant with an embryo which may not have been properly implanted and she could be miscarried. If the kitten is still born, other birth defects may occur, like a splintered mouth.