Coronavirus, Global Update, 29th July

Cases, 4,225,687 (CDC)
Cases, 4,294,770 (JH)

Tuesday, 21st 63,028
Wednesday 22nd 70,106
Thursday 23rd 72,219
Friday 24th 74,818
Saturday 25th 64,582
Sunday 26th 61,795

Deaths, 148, 056

1,000 deaths per day for past week

Cases increasing in 40 states

30 states require face covering

Dr Birx

If every mayor could mandate mask wearing

The virus is there, its spreading, it will hit your nursing homes


Bars open despite mandated closures by Governor

‘Its not a communist country’

ICUs full, over 100%


700 people at a house party


Large Church gathering on the beech

Long beach island

35 lifeguards tested positive after social events

North Korea

25m people

Defector positive

Therefore, NK has one official case

Health care system


Cases, 272,421

Deaths, 28,343

Deaths ? 60% higher

After 26 July 14 days self-isolation for returning Brits

Self-isolate for two weeks upon return

Advising “against all but essential travel to the whole of Spain”


New cases, + 1, 884

Deaths, 45,844


Week ending 17 July 2020 (Week 29) England and Wales

Registered deaths = 8,823

3.0% (270 deaths fewer) below 5 year average

5th consecutive week that deaths have been below the five-year average

295 (3.3%) of the 8,823 deaths mentioned “novel coronavirus (COVID-19)”


Cases, 11,424

Deaths, 720

20 % + are going hungry

Conflict, rising food prices, coronavirus


Thousands of possible undetected deaths from cholera

January – April, 2020, 110,000 cases of cholera

80% of the population requiring aid


US, Brazil, India, Russia

Cases, + 5,395 = 823,515

Deaths, + 150 = 13,504.


Cases, 206,242

Deaths, 9,122

Widespread early testing

Good health care system

Germany has registered an average of

New cases, + 557

Early June, + 350

Koch Institute, (Lothar Wieler)

We must prevent that the virus once again spreads rapidly and uncontrollably

The latest developments in the number of COVID-19 cases are of great concern to me and all of us at the RKI,

It’s in our hands how the pandemic evolves in Germany

Face masks, outdoors, if the recommended 1.5-metre (5-foot) distancing cannot be maintained

Outbreaks, returning tourists, workplaces, outdoor parties

Recommending against travel to Aragon, Catalonia and Navarra


Cases, + 1,678 = 83,673

Over 1,000 per day for last 14 days

Deaths, 1,947

Hong Kong

Cases, + 106 = 2,880

98 that locally transmitted

Deaths, 22

Ban restaurant dining

Restrict gatherings to two people

Mandate masks in outdoor spaces


Cases, 467

Deaths, 7

Borders mostly closed since mid-March

20 active cases

First possible local infection in more than a month

Thai man

180 contacts screened

5 further cases in returnees from the Philippines and Hong Kong.


Cases, 431

Deaths, 0


Pre-clinical, 142

Phase 1, 17

Phase 2, 13

Phase 3, 5

Approved, 0

Moderna / NIH

Phase 3 began yesterday

30,000 volunteers

89 sites in the US

Placebo controlled

Counting cases in both groups with natural exposure

$1 Billion

500m doses per year

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