Seven Symptoms Seen In Your Face When You Are Deficient In Vitamins

-Swollen eyes, cracks at the corner of the mouth and pale skin are signs of vitamin deficiency that can appear on your face.
-A deficiency is usually caused by eating incorrectly or not having a balanced diet.
-Some people are more prone to illness or developing a vitamin deficiency than others, so there’s a chance these seven symptoms may have a different underlying cause.
-1. Sensitive Gums
Bleeding gums or teeth that are feeling loose could be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause an increased risk of infection and poor wound healing.
-Vitamin C is important for maintaining a healthy immune system. It is also required for collagen production and keeping connective tissues strong.
-Vitamin C could be obtained from citrus fruits, spinach, peppers, broccoli, green cabbage, and currants.
-2. Pale Skin
If you don’t have naturally pale skin, this may be a sign that you’re not getting enough vitamin B12.
-Vitamin B12 is extremely important for a healthy metabolism as well as blood production and cell division.
-Vitamin B12 is normally obtained from animal products like cheese, liver, beef, oyster, trout and herring, but can also be obtained from plants based products such as soy milk, hemp milk and coconut milk.
.-3. Dried Out Hair
Regularly dyeing, drying and straightening your hair can cause it to dry out.–If you avoid these activities and regularly treat your hair with products that will produce healthy hair, the problem should quickly disappear.
-If the problem is persistent you may be lacking in biotin, which can also result in brittle fingernails. To prevent this, include foods that are high biotin in your diet, such as soya products, beans, tomatoes, eggs or oatmeal.
-4. Cracks At The Corners Of The Mouth
If you are suffering from symptoms in addition to pale lips, hair loss, tiredness or forgetfulness, there is a possibility that you are deficient in iron. Iron is important for transporting oxygen around your body as well as producing hemoglobin and red blood cells.
-Consume oatmeal, liverwurst and lentils regularly to boost your iron levels.
-5. Acne
Problems such as acne, eczema, poor wound healing, and dry skin can be due to a deficiency in zinc.

-Zinc plays an important role in keeping your immune system healthy as well as in cell division and replacement.
-If you’re suffering from a particularly bad case of zits or acne, it may be worth applying a zinc lotion to the affected areas.
Keeping your zinc levels up through what you eat with wheat bran, oysters, Edam cheese, and pumpkin seeds are abundant in zinc.
-6. Swollen Eyelids
If your eyes seem to be permanently swollen, you may be suffering from an iodine deficiency.
-Since iodine is important for your thyroid gland to function correctly, a deficiency may have serious consequences such as an underactive thyroid, thyroid nodules or even thyroid cancer.
Include iodine in your diet regularly by consuming dairy products, cranberries, and seafood.
-If you’re suffering from fatigue, hair loss or bad moods, consult a doctor as you may have an underactive thyroid.
-7. Wrinkles
Wrinkles are associated with aging. It’s normal for more and more wrinkles to appear on our faces as we get older. If you find that you’re getting lots of wrinkles over a short period of time, you may be suffering from a vitamin E deficiency.
-Vitamin E helps reduce oxidative stress and protects cells. When there are insufficient amounts of vitamin E in your system, collagen production slows down; a lack of collagen decreases the skin elasticity, meaning wrinkles are more likely to form.
-Vitamin E is important for a robust immune system, fertility, and healthy eyes.
-Vitamin E is found in walnuts, wholegrain products, muesli, almonds, and plant-based oils like olive oil and sunflower oil.
-Your face says a lot about what your body is missing out on. Consult with your doctor first and only take supplements when you’re actually suffering from a deficiency.