Stop Waiting For A COVID-19 Vaccine!

I read a comment by Dr. Ben Lynch today that inspired me to do another rant about COVID-19. Back in February when I first heard of the outbreak I checked in with people I consider to be the smartest doctors and nutritionists in the world including Dr. Brownstein, Dr. Ben Lynch, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. David Klein, Don Bennett, Dr. Tim Trader, Dr Rick Dina, Dr. Karin Dina, Dr. Alan Goldhammer, and Dr. Michael Gregor, and they all were saying exactly what I recommended to my followers too.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, focus on those high in vitamin A and C (camu camu is a great source of whole food C too).

Get daily sunlight without sunscreen, and take vitamin D supplement if you can’t get any sun.

Deficiencies in any of those three vitamins (A, C, D) will greatly lower your immunity.

Zinc is also good for fighting viruses, as well as iodine. Don’t take iodine without consulting with an iodine literature practitioner first or without reading Dr Brownstein’s book on the subject.

The hospitals and nursing homes need to be ready with high dose vitamin C IV’s. Providing liposomal vitamin C to nursing homes in the mean time for patients to start taking is a good idea.

I bash vitamin C supplements like ascorbic acid, but all I mean is that you can’t eat an unhealthy diet of burgers and hotdogs and expect to be protected by adding a synthetic C supplement into that shitty diet. Eat vitamin C rich foods and and take vitamin C supplements if you start to feel a cold coming on. For me, I just load up on extra camu camu, since it is a whole food supplement basically (dried berry powder super high in C)

All of us doctors and nutritionists said this back in February but no one listened to us since the media is tied to Big Pharma and just wants you to take a mandatory vaccine.

What if a more deadly virus hits? We won’t have time to wait for a vaccine, PROTECT YOURSELF NOW.

And no… it is NOT A CONSPIRACY theory to not want to get an untested vaccine from a man who WAS TIED TO JEFFREY EPSTEIN LONG AFTER HIS 2008 CONVICTION. The reason Gates gave for why he visited his NYC mansion on at least 3 occasions around 2011 was that “He needed the money,” but get this… he said he didn’t even get any money from him in the end. THE 2ND RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD “NEEDED THE MONEY” FROM A REGISTERED CHILD SEX OFFENDER? After Epstein “kills himself” Bill Gates starts panicking, puts out a Netflix docuseries making him look like this amazing philanthropist, then he does the Event 201 coronavirus simulation and soon after we have COVID-19 and Bill saying we need mandatory vaccinations for the world. Don’t worry friends, I’m going to prove to you it’s not a conspiracy theory to not trust him in my Friends of Epstein Bill Gates episode coming up soon! Why do you think Trump pulled funding from WHO (World Health Organization) where Gates controls policy? Stay tuned.

Mitch Fillion
Certified Natural Health Practitioner (University of Natural Health)
Activist / Researcher / Filmmaker