After my trip was done, I decided to get a great vitamin D workout in. The weather felt awesome and my body needed some sun and a good burn. Try these at home (preferably in the morning) or if you’re traveling. You will love it!
Set your timers for 30-45 min and get through as many rounds as possible. (Amrap)
1️⃣Burpees 9 reps
2️⃣Squat to calf raise 25 reps
3️⃣Walking squat- front 10x and backwards 10x (go as low as you can to really build the glutes and quads)
4️⃣Knee jumps 8-10 reps (if you have bad knees, try jumps squats)
5️⃣Push up to squat pulse 10-12 reps (modify on your knees)
6️⃣Shoulder taps 12-15 reps to 5 pushups (modify pushups on the knees)
7️⃣Wall crunches 25-30 reps
#amrap #vitamind