10 Foods to Eat for a Flat Stomach Seriously | Top 10 Foods That Help Lose Belly Fat

10 Foods to Eat for a Flat Stomach Seriously | Top 10 Foods That Help Lose Belly Fat – Tips To Burn Belly Fat by Health, Fitness, Food, Nutrition

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10 Foods to Eat for a Flat Stomach (Seriously!)

01. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The holy grail of monounsaturated fat, EVOO is literally brimming with health boosters apart from minimizing your gut, including anti-inflammatory properties, cardiovascular benefits, brain-boosting benefits, and many others.

02. Avocados
Another monounsaturated fat superstar, avocados have many of the same health benefits as EVOO. However, they too are high in fat, so don’t eat more than a quarter of a cup a day.

03. Almonds
In addition to being high in monounsaturated fat, these little guys are packed with fiber, protein, and vitamin E, as well as magnesium, which helps your body stabilize its blood sugar levels.

04. Dark Chocolate
Did you know that real dark chocolate is brimming with health benefits? It is! Plus, in small quantities, it improves digestion and fights belly fat, too.

05. Spinach
This leafy green vegetable is one of the healthiest foods you can eat: It’s super-low in calories, but high in things like vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, potassium and magnesium.

06. Yogurt
You’ve probably heard that just one cup can spur the growth of probiotics, which are good bacteria in your gut. By doing so, nasty bacteria that causes bloating move out, effectively giving you a flatter stomach.

07. Eggs
Eggs have a lot of good qualities, but the biggest is their uncanny ability to keep you full without making you bloated, thanks to its mix of essential amino acids, protein, and fat. Most experts agree that one egg a day is enough.

08. Salmon
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can speed up metabolism, and it’s filled with bloat-busting protein.

09. Berries
A tiny food that packs a big punch, most berries are brimming with fiber. In fact, according to Fitness, the more fiber you eat the fewer calories you absorb from other things because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they’re fully digested.

10. Apples
Who knew one little apple had dozens of health benefits? Apart from being a great source of fiber to aid digestion and promote weight loss, apples also contain phenols (which lowers bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol), can help target certain cancers, help prevent heart disease, and happen to be a low GI food so you don’t get a sugar high then crash. To reap the rewards, eat one to two apples a day.

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