Tackling Coronavirus and Superbugs: Interview with Dr. Greg Fahy on Immune System Rejuvenation

The IFERS Wellness Team interviewed Dr. Greg Fahy on Immune System Rejuvenation against Coronavirus and Superbugs on February 28, 2020 in California. Email:

The Transhumanism Handbook
#1 New Release in Preventive Medicine on in 2019

Dr. Greg Fahy, Director of Biomedicine (p. 17)
Immunotherapy (p. 330 – 331)
Super Longevity Presentations (p. 332 – 349)
Presentation by Dr. Greg Fahy (p. 343 – 346)

Video Transcript:

Dorotea Gelo:
The coronavirus outbreak is sparking fear worldwide. Scientists are rushing to analyze the virus, create vaccines, and test antiviral drugs. You have successfully completed your first clinical trial on immune system rejuvenation. Do you see your research being used to protect people from coronavirus?

Dr. Greg Fahy:
Yes! It is a very good question and very topical, but it’s a subpart of a much bigger question, which is: What can we do about these things in general, not just the coronavirus?

There are something called MERS which is from the Middle East, there are something called MRSA which is an antibiotics-resistant bacterial strain that is very bad to get because there is no drug really that can treat it.

Your only defense against MRSA or the coronavirus at the moment is your own built-in immune system. We know that with more common viruses like the flu, 90+ percent of people who died of the flu are people over the age of 65. Reason for that is their immune system is not working. We think of the same thing is going to be true for coronavirus or any other virus and for a variety of other things like MRSA and bacterial infections that you otherwise can’t deal with. You need an immune system to deal with them.

We can make your immune system function more like a pre-65 year old, then you will have a much better chance of surviving. The same thing is true of pneumonia for example. A lot of people died of pneumonia, and most of them are over the age of 65 as well, for exactly the same reason.

Essentially your immune system is good until about the age of 62. After the age of 62, it starts falling off a cliff. You get down to about 2% of your immune defenses before you reach the age of 80. We wanted to do something to stop that. We do think it will help people survive these pandemics.

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