Morning Fitness Regime – Yoga, Pranayam, Stretch, Sun basking

One great positive for me from lock-down has been my renewed stint with fitness. Have been able to follow a morning regime which involves Yog – Cat stretch, Surya Namashkar; Pranayam – Anilom Vilom, Kapalbhati; Sun basking – Vitamin D absorption ( its deficiency is rampant and detrimental to health) Om (AUM) chanting. I have my dad for company, more than that, an enforcer , who ensures I don’t sham 🙂 . The video contains parts of morning regime. One can emulate and may further guide me too. Cinematography skills are of my 9 year son Mayur. Working from Home too has been quite efficient in completing certain pending issues related to TBM, tunneling works and logistics.