Six Supplements for Stronger Teeth and To Reverse Tooth Decay

If you want fewer dental cavities and fillings, you need to focus on your diet and utilise these 6 supplements for stronger teeth.

There is a lot of hype out there in internet land regarding healing dental cavities, and reversing dental cavities. Blogs and videos that make it appear that you can eat your teeth better and avoid having to see the dentist even if you have a hole in your tooth or infection.

Can you heal or reverse tooth decay – find out in this episode with Brisbane Holistic Dentist Dr Rachel Hall of Evolve Dental.

#toothdecay #holisticdentistry #dentalhealth

Strong oral hygiene habits are key to preventing tooth decay. Brushing your teeth twice daily with a toothpaste that strengthens enamel is essential. Look for toothpastes containing calcium, phosphate, or xylitol, which can aid in remineralization, the natural process of repairing minor tooth damage. Flossing once a day removes food particles and plaque from between teeth, areas inaccessible to brushing. Dietary choices play a significant role in oral health. Limiting sugary drinks and snacks minimizes the food source for plaque bacteria that produce cavity-causing acids. Finally, regular dental checkups and cleanings allow your dentist to professionally assess your oral health and intervene if any cavities are found.

several vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in maintaining strong teeth and promoting remineralization, the natural process of repairing minor tooth decay.

Here are some essential nutrients for healthy teeth:

Calcium: The building block of strong teeth and bones, calcium is vital for maintaining enamel density. Dairy products, leafy green vegetables, canned fish with bones (sardines, salmon) and tofu are all excellent sources of calcium.

Vitamin D: Essential for calcium absorption, Vitamin D helps your body utilize calcium for bone and tooth mineralization. Fatty fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms are good dietary sources of Vitamin D. Sunlight exposure can also aid Vitamin D production, but consult your doctor about safe sun exposure practices.

Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 works alongside Vitamin D to direct calcium to your teeth and bones. Natto (a fermented soybean dish), grass-fed butter, and cheeses are high in Vitamin K2.

Phosphorus: Another mineral crucial for healthy teeth, phosphorus works with calcium for enamel strength. Lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, and dairy products are all good sources of phosphorus.

Vitamin A: Plays a role in tooth enamel development and keeps gums healthy. Sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and broccoli are all rich in Vitamin A.

Vitamin A
It’s important to note that supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Speak with your doctor before taking any supplements to ensure they are right for you and don’t interfere with any medications you are currently taking.

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