Paulina Porizkova Reveals 2 Beauty Products For Her Youthful Glow!

Paulina Porizkova Reveals 2 Beauty Products For Her Youthful Glow!

Paulina Porizkova looks amazing at fifty-eight thanks to a unique approach to exercise and diet. She maintains her shape by mixing up her workouts and maintaining a strict diet, including intermittent fasting and a special smoothie as her first meal. While enjoying a flexible eating window, she prefers healthier options for her first two meals to indulge in a delicious dinner. Paulina also avoids processed foods and sugary treats and has incorporated healthy habits like reading, diverse cardio, and a skincare routine involving vitamin packs and sunscreen. Her approach to staying healthy is a blend of fun and disciplined choices, resulting in improved physical and mental well-being.

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Look aging is inevitable it will happen to all of us and it’s actually been a rather marvelous thing because I think that I’m a much better person on the inside than I’ve ever been I’m Wiser I’m more intelligent I’m smarter I’m funnier I’m more patient uh I’m more introspective I I

Just know more Paulina piskova has an unreal figure at 58 years of age and that’s thanks to quitting a super unhealthy habit when she was 40 and using these two specific beauty products for her Flawless Skin she uses a unique hack to stay motivated for the gym there are plenty of ways to work out sometimes she enjoys lifting weights and doing movements like dumbbell shoulder presses and machine rows other times she’ll opt for Pilates as it strengthens and tones the entire body especially the core booty and arms

As she ages she makes sure to follow a few strict rules at 56 staying in shape takes work I try to exercise at least 3 to 5 days a week but if it was up to her she rather sit around and eat cake and drink wine but she understands that a

Good workout is the best thing you can do for yourself it will make you feel good look good and it’s good for your body and brain however it can still be tough to be consistent with exercising and consistency is the key to progress that’s why Paulina has a hack to stay

Motivated instead of following the same workout plan week after week she’ll mix up her workouts and have fun this might even mean doing a weighted hola hoop workout she has a 5B hoop which she likes to use to strengthen her stomach muscles this way she mixes fun with

Health and stays on track although her workouts seem fun her intense diet might take getting used to this way she mixes fun with health and stays on track although her workouts seem fun her intense diet might take getting used to her diet helped her deal with her menopause and aging related problems

It’s not surprising that as we get older it gets harder to stay fit our energy levels drop our body changes and our hormones change as well Paulina felt the same way staying in shape after menopause takes a lot of freaking work especially when you have wonky hips one

Has to work a lot harder on things that were taken for granted on the outside on the inside however all the hard work already done is finally paying off this hard work includes dieting she follows an intermittent fasting diet this follows a 16 to8 split meaning for 16

Hours of the day she won’t eat I do the 168 diet which which just means basically that you don’t eat for 16 hours and then you eat for eight I generally take it as I eat whatever I want for 8 hours because I like food but

I also kind of tend to like more healthy food but if I need a fried chicken I need a fried chicken it’s just the way it is typically the 8h hour window stretches from 12:00 in the afternoon to 8:00 in the evening during that window she’ll eat whatever she wants to but of

Course she tries to eat as much healthy food as she can but if you’re going to try this out be ready for some hunger cravings Paulina felt quite hungry at first because she was obsessive about her food however as time went on she adjusted to the diet and now she doesn’t

Even think about it in fact she says that her body has adjusted to the feeding window and she doesn’t even feel hungry during the 16 hours she is fasting fasting is important but it’s also important how you break that fast this is why Paulina has a special smoothie as her first

Meal she found a healthy food service to help her with her diet after fasting for 16 hours Paulina shared that she breaks her fast with a nutritional vegan smoothie with protein powder that she orders online so it’s ready to go when she wants to eat and they make these really awesome vegan

Smoothies um they have all different flavors there’s you know this one the specific one is um black Blackberry basil which is really nice and they have things like bananas blackberries pea protein basil lemon juice vanilla powder dates chia seeds Himalayan salt so it’s got like a ton of nutrition in it and

Everything one diet delivery service that has made her life easier is Splendid spoon she gets many of her smoothies delivered prepackaged they have all different flavors this specific one is BlackBerry basil they also have these soups or noodles or rice too they have a whole bunch of stuff it’s all

Vegan it’s really good for you it’s very healthy and I do this so I can go out to dinner and have whatever I want the best thing about her diet is what she has for lunch Pina takes full advantage of her eating window when you follow an intermittent fasting diet you can

Essentially eat whatever you like during the eating window at least that’s how the supermodel does it and it has worked wonders for her while Pina has said that she does love healthier food if she wants fried chicken she’ll eat it another reason why she feels like she

Can have anything she wants for lunch is because she breaks her fast with a veggie smoothie or soup this leaves her with plenty of calories still to consume throughout the day um I have one of their um little they have these soups or noodles um or rice I mean they have a

Whole bunch of stuff it’s all vegan um it’s really good for you it’s very healthy healthy it’s I mean you know it it tastes good her dinner menu is really the gem of the Diet there are plenty of benefits of following a fasting diet including a super delicious dinner Paulina tries her best to be strict with her diet during the day she’ll opt for healthier options for her first and second meals so that she can Bank most of her calories for a

Delicious dinner and because she is strict during the day she does not feel guilty about indulging at night but I do this so then I can go out to dinner whatever I like for dinner and that includes a glass of wine or a cocktail and dessert um and this way I don’t feel

Deprived and um and it just uh it works for me now however she did need to kick a few unhealthy foods and habits from her lifestyle there was one thing she absolutely had to remove from her lifestyle Paulina tries her best to live a healthy lifestyle although she loves

Processed foods and a wide variety of cakes she had to limit them to special occasions those types of foods can have a detrimental effect on the body plus you can easily end up overeating when consuming processed foods and sugary treats like cakes but the biggest change she made was quitting smoking when she

Was 40 her reason for doing it at first was because she became pregnant and after that she felt so much better when she wasn’t smoking regularly so she stuck with the clean lifestyle instead of focusing on what not to do she spends her time practicing key habits that have

Helped her stay in tiptop shape while also improving her empathy towards other people a habit that keeps you moving can be as effective as a strict diet when Paulina has time she loves to read novels this has been a passion of hers for years and she credits reading novels

For building empathy within her no wonder she’s such a positive role model on social media this empathy also extends to herself honestly when I look at tapes of myself of being like 20 and 30 I go damn I was hot what a shame I didn’t

Know but I really just like myself a lot better now another thing she practices is different forms of cardio with some dancing or biking thrown in for cardio instead of the boring treadmill she mixes it up with her favorite ways of moving around and this has kept her

Coming back to the gym all these years as for her Flawless skin key vitamins take credit for that there is a simple way she likes to filter what supplements to use and what not to buy Paulina loves the swissmade brand beauty pie for her anti-aging skincare needs in particular she uses

Their Vitamin Pack all the time suitable for any skin type the Vitamin Pack can be applied easily to your face and neck which is exactly what Paulina does in the morning I will use this as soap it’s not really soap it’s called Pure transforming cleanser and it transforms me from clean to

Cleaner obviously I got that one wrong but anyway uh this stuff is really great it’s a beauty pie and um it the bottle looks kind of pretty it reminds me of um cherry blossoms I guess additionally she makes sure her moisturizer comes with she butter vitamin E vitamin C and

Hyaluronic acids she has been using this unique blend for years and has done wonders for her however the most important product might the your regular sunscreen she prioritizes it in her everyday routine SPF in the morning and retinol at night one helps to prevent Sun discoloration and wrinkles and the

Other Smooths it out um the only two things that really make a difference in your skin are SPF in the morning and then retinol at night those are the only things that actually affect your skin one is to prevent uh skin discoloration and wrinkles um some

Wrinkles and the other to smooth it out ever so slight finding what works best for you is always the best way of going about things so experiment and try out different routines and products until you find the one that works for you