BEST (Top 5) Vertigo & Dizziness Vitamins and Supplements | Dr. Matthew Posa Chiropractor Milton ON

BEST (Top 5) Vertigo & Dizziness Vitamins and Supplements | Dr. Matthew Posa Chiropractor Milton ON

In this video, Dr. Matthew Posa, a chiropractor in Milton, Ontario will discuss the 5 Best suppleents scientifically proven to help reduce the symptoms associate with #vertigo and #dizziness for increased healing and #vertigorelief and #dizzinessrelief.

Supplements play a crucial role in supporting your body’s healing process, especially in conditions like vertigo. Vertigo is a type of dizziness that makes you feel like you or the environment around you is spinning or moving when there is no actual movement. It can be caused by various factors, including inner ear problems, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( #BPPV ), #vestibular neuritis, #menieresdisease , or other conditions like migraines, head injuries, or reduced blood flow to the base of the brain.

Supplements can help alleviate vertigo symptoms and support overall health. The top 5 supplements for vertigo include:

Ginkgo Biloba: Known for its potential to improve blood flow, ginkgo biloba may help reduce vertigo symptoms by enhancing circulation in the inner ear.

Magnesium Bisglycinate: Magnesium plays a vital role in nerve function and muscle relaxation, which can be beneficial for reducing vertigo symptoms.

Vitamin B12: Deficiency in vitamin B12 has been linked to dizziness and vertigo. Supplementing with B12 can help maintain nerve health and function.

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of vertigo. Vitamin D supplementation may help improve symptoms.

Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 is important for bone and heart health, which can indirectly impact vertigo symptoms by supporting overall health and wellbeing.

Chiropractors use Vitamins and Supplements in order to further healing and repair so your body works as effeciently as possible. In many cases, symptoms of vertigo and dizziness are often associated with misalignments in the upper #cervicalspine that can cause interference to the nervous system and the nerves that exit the skull. In particular the cranial nerves associated with #innerear and the #vestibular system.

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Dr. Matthew Posa, MChiro., D.C.
The Healthy Family Chiropractic
Milton, ON L9T 0J4
Tel: 905.864.1516


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I’m going to show you the top five supplements  that you should be taking if you have vertigo   dizziness BPPV, Meniere’s disease or even  Vestibular Neuritis. I’m also going to tell   you exactly how to take it, the types to look  out for but also the dosage levels that you  

Need in order to see the results at home. I’m  Dr Matthew Posa and I’m a Chiropractor in Milton   Ontario Canada. I help people get over their  spine related health issues so they can heal   from the inside out and live the life that they  were designed to live. if you want more content  

Like this please subscribe to my page and don’t  forget to share this information with the people   we know that need it the most. I’m going to go  in order from the least to my absolute favorite.   the first supplement that we’re starting with  is Ginkgo Biloba. this one is excellent if you  

Have dizziness and or vertigo a associated with  tennitis which is that loud pitch ringing in the   ears or if you know that you have a vestibular  issue there is a little bit of caution with this  

One because it is also a blood thinner it can thin  your blood so the first thing that I would do is   make sure that you have this conversation with  your family doctor especially if you’re on any   type of blood thinning medications or anything  to do with your heart. if it is extracted from  

A leaf and that is the compound that you’re  looking for so if you go to a natural health   food store you’re looking for your supplements  online I would just make sure that it is derived  

Directly from a leaf. so therefore this one would  be vegan friendly and you want to take 120 to 240   mg per day now if you’re no stranger to my page  you’ve heard me mention this one next this is   Magnesium bisglycinate or (glycinate) this one is  excellent because not only does it easily absorb  

Into your body it really helps your joints your  muscles your gut and even your brain so this is   why it’s recommended but it is one of the types  of magnesium that does not usually cause diarrhea   or constipation or some stomach issues so this  is why this one is the easiest for most people  

To take and it’s the one that we know easily  absorbs into the body so that way were getting   the effect that we’re looking for this one is  in particularly good for people who have again   vertigo or dizziness but then you’re also seeing  signs of headaches because research has showed  

That when people take Magnesium Bisglycinate and  they have headaches migraines and or the vertigo   symptoms especially when they’re together then  this has been excellent at being able to reduce   those symptoms when you want to take 400 to 800  mg per per day and I would split that up morning  

I would take about half and then at night and  especially with food so therefore you reduce even   less any of the problems with your stomach and or  your gut in the number three spot is vitamin B12  

Now this one is very important because when you  think be you always think brain but this one in   particular really acts on the nerve cells and  when we’re talking about things with the inner   ear inner balance the nerve that literally go  from the inside of your of your head but also  

Your your brain and your spinal cord that exit  at the top of your neck well these nerves can   be heavily affected by imbalances or Falls or  even trauma to the area so when we look at the  

Nerves itself and we want the body to heal that  then what we want to do is make sure you have   enough vitamin B12 vitamin B12 is usually found  in meats and eggs and poultry and then you have  

Fish or even things like organ Meats so if you’re  a vegetarian or a vegan then this usually you’d   have to supplement this for sure but also there’s  a lot of people who aren’t taking this enough and   so this is where supplementation becomes extremely  important and in some cases that you’ll actually  

Have to get an injection on average you want  to take about 2.4 micrograms to 2.8 micrograms   that is generally the amount that you should be  taking per day especially if you’re going to be   supplementing but the most important part about  taking vitamin B12 is the type of vitamin B12  

Because there’s different types of vitamin B12  in most products that you find out there you’re   going to find something if you look at the back  of the label you’re going to see something that   says cyanocobalamin. now cyanocobalamin is the  synthetic form of this. It’s man made and the  

Way that they make this one is they use Cyanide  and they and they’re able to derive the vitamin   B12 using that so it is not the form that I would  recommend it is safe for consumption and hence  

That’s why they do it but it is the synthetic form  and therefore it does have a reaction and in this   case it’s usually inflammation which is what we’re  trying to get away from so when you’re looking for  

A Cobalamin which is Vitamin B12 what you’re  really looking for is two other types and the   reason why we’re looking at these is because  it’s what we call bioavailable bioavailable   meaning your body can absorb it and use it  versus it having a chance of reaction so the  

First and my favorite type is something called  methylcobalamin and that’s something you would   look at the back of the bottle and you’d be able  to find that quite easily it will be listed and   the other one is adenosylcobalamin. now this one  is really interesting because it is also better  

Absorbable just like the methylcobalamin however  this one acts differently and what it does is it   goes into the mitochondria of your cell so going  back to some old school biology if you look at   the cell the cell every cell inside your body has  a nuclear generator it has its energy source and  

The energy source is really made from something  called your mitochondria and the mitochondria   make ATP so when your brain is trying to heal if  you’re trying to get your cells inside your body   to heal the more ATB production your body can do  the better the mitochondria inside your cells can  

Work then you’re going to see better results  and so what’s really interesting with that   form of it is we’re actually able to increase  or change the mitochondria and therefore we’re   going to see an effect that way so that is  a form that you can look for sometimes you  

Can find methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin  together and that would be really cool that’s   something you can definitely take but if you take  either or that’s okay too just stay away from the   other form which is the cyanocobalamin based  on Research this is the thing that is usually  

Missing from people and what they found when  they do these large scale research studies is   they’re able to look at people who suffer from  Vertigo, Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis   or even things like BPPV and what they found is  the body is actually reacting because you have  

Low levels of this one vitamin So What vitamin  are we talking about it’s vitamin D3 vitamin D3   is not only an essential vitamin it is the only  vitamin that your body actually makes shows you   how important it is but what’s really interesting  with vitamin D3 is that a lot of people take this  

In a pill or a capsular form versus my favorite  form which is taking it as a liquid now why we   like it as a liquid is because it becomes easier  to absorb but also distributes better within the  

Body if you take a pill form of it I’m not saying  that’s horrible don’t necessarily throw that one   out but if we’re really looking at how your body  uses these molecules then when you use the liquid   what you’re doing is you’re allowing for this  fat soluble vitamin to be absorbed abbed better  

Into the body and therefore used so we want  to be able to increase your chances of using   this this is something that I would stress or at  least recommend that you definitely talk to your  

Medical doctor and go get a blood test now if you  can get a blood test and measure your vitamin D   levels Therefore your supplementation will be  even better because then you’ll know where you   sit on the normal range and how much vitamin D3  that you really need to supplement with with in  

Some cases some people are too high but generally  based on the research most people who have had   vertigo dizziness Min disease bppv all these type  of associated issues with vertigo and dizziness   usually were low so how much should you be taking  so when you are supplementing with this you want  

To take about 4,000 IUS all the way up to 6,000  IUS if you live in a colder climate like I do I’m   in Canada so in Canada right now we’re not getting  a lot of sun so I’m taking 6,000 iuse per day my  

Kids who are very young right now they are also  supplementing with vitamin D3 but they’re nowhere   near those levels they’re around a th000 I use  because we’re also going by the fact that they’re  

Kids in the summertime I usually go down to 4  to 5,000 I use per day mostly because I do love   being out in the sun and therefore I know that my  body is converting that sunlight and using that in  

Order to make the vitamin D and the last vitamin  that I’m going to go through is not necessarily   the most important but it’s associated with D3  and therefore you should be taking it together   and a lot of times you’re going to see it in  packaging where they’re literally together in  

The one you’ll see vitamin D3 and K2 so vitamin  K2 a lot of times people think of vitamin K as   clotting Factor it really helps with your body and  your blood however what’s really interesting with   vitam vitamin K2 especially in the presence of  vitamin D is that it allows for better absorption  

In the cases of people who have maners disease  or bppv so benign proxys positional vertigo then   what we want to do is reabsorb the crystals that  are forming inside the ear and so in the presence   of vitamin K2 your body can actually reabsorb  calcium back into the bones where they belong  

So when you are looking for a vitamin D I would  look for a vitamin D that has K2 in it and this   one based on Research is best used as a ratio  so I’ll explain the ratio the ratio is 1,000  

IUS of vitamin D3 to 10 micrograms of vitamin  K2 so in my case when I take in the summer   especially 5,000 IUS of vitamin D I’m looking for  100 25 micrograms of vitamin K2 and if you’re not  

Sure what else you can do if you have vertigo  or dizziness and what foods you need to avoid   please watch this video right here because in that  video I’m going to show you exactly the types of  

Food that you need to avoid in order to be put  on the right path so you can get through this