The TOP 5 Vitamins To Reverse ED

Today we explore the top vitamins and nutritional supplements to combat ed.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that occurs as a result of blood flow, usually because of a deficient in nitric oxide, but it can also be caused by high levels of stress (cortisol), and low testosterone levels.

In this video we highlight some of the most effective nutritional supplements and vitamins to reverse ED, by fixing the root causes of the problem, including L-Arginine, Zinc, Vitamin C, Maca, Pycnogenol and also some additional foods.

We also explore some of the best foods for erectile dysfunction which help to boost blood flow and raise testosterone.

Top recommended supplements:
🌿 L-Arginine:
🌿 Zinc Glycinate (with Pumpkin Seed Oil):
🌿 Natural Vitamin C Blend:
🌿 Maca Powder (Concentrated):
🌿 Pycnogenol (High Strength):

* 5% off iHerb supplements for my viewers using Ryan’s code: JKF1469


Useful links:
🧠 My relaxation/meditation channel:
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🧠 Clothes & Posters:


Graphics Credits:,, Hannah Taylor

🐝 Making life enhancing videos is extremely important to me. I love sharing useful knowledge with you. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies or topics you wish for me to research. See my other videos on healthy foods for more info.

πŸ’š I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Ryan Taylor BSc (Hons) Bio:
Ryan Taylor is a is a self-taught nutritionist from the United Kingdom. After graduating in 2015 and obtaining his degree in Computing Science, he discovered his passion for biology and physiology, and pivoted into the field of nutrition. Since then he has produced over 1000 educational videos covering various topics related to “the science of life”, with the continued intention of both sharing and gaining a greater understanding of the human body.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for general informational purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or treatment. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps to support the channel so that I may invest more time in making informative videos.

The top five vitamins to reverse erectile dysfunction erectile dysfunction is a problem that happens when the blood isn’t circulating properly in men this causes a loss of libido impotence lower testosterone levels and can also lead to depression erectile dysfunction is also one of the earliest signs of heart disease so it is

Something to be taken seriously in this video we’ll be uncovering the most potent vitamins nutritional supplements and natural remedies to overcome this problem in men by fixing the root causes be advised this video is for educational purposes only so do speak to your doctor if you have any medical concerns

Supplement number one is called L Arginine L arginine is by far one of the best remedies to improve blood flow to the penis and overcome erectile dysfunction you can take 1,000 Mig of L Arginine three times per day in the form of a supplement your body uses this Arginine to produce something called

Nitric oxide that’s a molecule which relaxes the muscles in your blood vessels and arteries essentially this is helping your blood vessels to vasod dilate and widen so that the blood can flow freely from your heart to the rest of your body by improving the blood flow it naturally lowers high blood pressure

Helps to protect against heart disease and can boost testosterone alternatively you can get more Arginine by eating pistachios salmon and beef liver two zinc as men get older testosterone levels naturally drop which can cause things like low mood loss of muscle loss of libido and erectile dysfunction in fact after the

Age of 30 your testosterone will naturally begin to drop by 1% per year and even more if you have poor blood flow taking a daily supplement of 25 mg of zinc glycinate or zinc picolinate can help to keep your testosterone levels high and this also stops your testosterone from being converted into

Estrogen by blocking a certain enzyme called aromatase zinc is also important to help prevent receding hairline and prostate enlargement because it balances testosterone and DHT if you don’t wish to take a supplement the best natural food sources of zinc are oysters pumpkin seeds and beef liver three real vitamin

C the root cause of erectile disfunction is usually damaged to the inner layers of your arteries called the endothelium drinking alcohol eating too many starchy Foods or sugars slowly causes oxidative damage to the arteries over over time and then they start to become stiff and rigid causing problems with blood flow

And triggering erectile dysfunction asthma high blood pressure and many other problems the natural vitamin C complex however helps to repair the inner walls of the arteries directly and also helps to boost nitric oxide levels the most powerful natural form of vitamin C is powdered rose hips acerola

Cherry or kamuk Camu you can get these in a powdered form or a blend and drink them in a smoothie or a glass of water around 1 to 2 teaspoons per day is enough as a side note avoid acorbic acid vitamin C supplements as these only

Contain 5% of the full vitamin C complex you have to get it from a food source four maot macaroo is known as a superfood that’s grown in the high mountain ranges of Peru and Bolivia and and it’s actually been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy

MAA is often called Peruvian Viagra as it’s loaded with phytonutrients that support hormone balance and can boost testosterone levels in men take one to three tpoon of organic maca powder per day in a smoothie to supplement your diet this is a healthier less risky alternative to Viagra medications as it

Has less side effects and can improve blood circulation to maintain normal erections being an adaptogen MAA also helps your body adapt to stress and can naturally lower cortisol that’s the stress hormone which may be lowering your libido I’d also highly recommend getting more sleep if you’re suffering from

Stress as this will help to balance out your hormones for better mental and sexual health supplement number five is called pnl pnl is is a natural compound which is extracted from the bark of pine trees in western France this remedy has been well studied for around 50 years

For improving blood flow around the body especially to the legs and the penis taking 150 mg per day is an effective way to boost your libido and to combat erectile dysfunction studies show that this actually works very well in combination with the first remedy in this video called L ariny pycnogenol

Naturally helps to counter damage in the arteries caused by diabetes and high blood sugar and it can also prevent dangerous blood clots from forming and blocking your blood flow try out one or two of the previous supplements for 1 to 2 weeks and notice how your blood flow improves and your erectile dysfunction

Goes away if you’re overweight eating too many junk Foods or deep fried foods you’ll also need to correct your diet as these are often the root causes of erectile dysfunction so for the bonus number six we have foods to combat erectile dysfunction try adding a mixture of the following organic foods

Into your diet to help improve blood flow boost testosterone and lower stress to help overcome erectile dysfunction first we have watermelon which contains citrine that can boost nitric oxide to widen your blood vessels and Bo boost blood flow for stronger erections if you’re on a low carb diet I would

Recommend avoiding the sweeter red part of the fruit and eating only the green Part near the Rind beef liver if you have low blood cell count or you’re anemic you may not be getting enough oxygen to your extremities eating beef liver provides heem iron and b12 to help oxygenate your tissues celery provides

Nitrates which are also used to build nitric oxide and improve circulation garlic contains sulfur compounds which influence certain genes that can trigger the production of nitric oxide in the body I’d also recommend adding some pumpkin seeds to your salad as the zinc and magnesium can boost testosterone and

Lower high blood pressure and wild salmon contains Omega-3s which provide the building blocks for sex hormones in both women and men potential causes of erectile dysfunction function as we’ve discussed through the video you need lots of nitric oxide to widen your blood vessels and promote blood flow to the

Penis so without enough of this you may get erectile dysfunction when you eat too many refined sugars and junk Foods you get high insulin levels which damages the inner walls of your blood vessels lowering nitric oxide and preventing blood from reaching the penis statin drugs can also lower your libido

And testosterone as they block cholesterol which is a building block of testosterone nerve damage from high blood sugars diabetes or spinal injuries can sometimes cause ED high levels of cortisol from being mentally stressed out for a long time can narrow the blood vessels a general lack of confidence or

Self-esteem may be a psychological cause of Ed or performance issues and Grains contain phytic acid which can block zinc and therefore lower your testosterone so if you’re eating too many grains this may also be your problem how to combat erectile dysfunction now that you’re aware of the causes of Ed and some

Supplements that you may use let’s summarize some steps that you can take in your life to overcome this problem completely exercise increase blood flow to the sexual organs by getting more regular exercise slow gentle walks for 1 hour per day day and intense bursts of exercise and alternative days can help

Hydrate drink at least 1 liter of water per day to thin out your blood and improve blood flow to the penis boost nitric oxide help dilate your blood vessels by boosting nitric oxide levels you can take the supplements that we’ve talked about like L Arginine picanol and

Acerola to do this and you can also eat foods rich in nitrates like celery spinach arugula p parsley and cabbage cut out grains and sugars from the diet for 2 weeks and notice how your mood lifts your testosterone increases and your libido improves get zinc you can eat pumpkin seeds oysters shellfish or

Take zinc glycinate to boost your testosterone levels and improve your fertility you can use maca powder in a morning smoothie to balance out your hormones lower your stress and boost testosterone for a natural form of Viagra find ways to manage your stress by getting more sleep using adaptogenic herbs breathing exercises and watching

Comedy movies and you can also consider building your self-confidence by getting involved with local social events and programs to improve your people skills and build more confidence to learn more about potential signs of hormonal problems in men and how to fix them tap on this video on the screen now thank

You so much for watching I wish you great health wealth and happiness